That was the goal of the weekend, as envisioned by CCRNO’s Patti Mansfield. Indeed, it was no ordinary weekend for the 560 women who cleared their schedules, packed their bags and headed to the Holy Spirit Women’s Retreat organized by CCRNO.
It was a weekend where their vision was restored with the clear, bold teaching of national speaker, tv host and author Johnnette Benkovic Williams, and Companions of the Cross priest, author and podcaster Father Mark Goring. Nicole Johnson, Mary Lukinovich, Margaret Bieser and Terry Canale gave short testimonies that spoke about God’s intervention in the lives producing conversions, inner healings and physical healings.
Johnnette spoke to the women with an anointed authority and conviction that comes from walking through great personal suffering. She spoke of the necessity of fostering a relationship with Christ inside the heart of Mary. “We must be modeling ourselves after Mary,” she said, “radially surrendering to the Lord with our own “fiat”.” She reminded us that it is in the Immaculate Heart of Mary where we will find the meaning, the consolation and the vision that we will need to face the difficulties of the Christian life. That is where we find Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Indeed, Mary is “Mrs. Holy Spirit” said Johnnette, and the Holy Spirit can equip us for the unique role that women have in the spiritual battleground of our lives.
Father Goring’s teachings and homilies were straightforward and full of humility, urging the women to drop all pretenses and cling to Jesus. He spoke of the importance of the charisms of the Holy Spirit in his life and ministry.
Saint Charbel was a special highlight, with five relics made available for women to venerate. The weekend had beautiful times of worship thanks to the ministry of the musicians “Mercy Beaucoup.” Deacon Larry and Andi Oney led a dynamic Life in the Spirit Seminar during the day Saturday and helped facilitate the worship and prophetic ministry that night.
Given that the year was 2020, CCRNO was inspired to use the theme of “vision” for retreat, highlighting the scripture “Without a vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18). The women were exhorted to follow the precepts of the Lord as the way to thrive and live an abundant life!
Janice Charbonnet
Women’s Retreat Team