Do you want a hot tip on a good buy? Of course you do! Everybody wants the inside scoop on getting in on a great stock, the best price on a car, a grocery sale, or who has the cheapest gas. We all want to spend wisely, to use our money productively, and get a good return on our investments. The Scriptures today offer us the priceless gift of divine wisdom - the best gift we could hope to receive, both for life in this world and in the world to come.
The Lord offered Solomon anything he desired. Solomon asked for wisdom, which greatly pleased the Lord. Solomon did indeed receive what he asked for, and the “wisdom of Solomon” is proverbial!
Today’s gospel presents the kingdom of heaven in terms of making some wise or shrewd choices in order to get the treasure hidden in the field, or a precious pearl beyond price. The message is very clear – it just makes good sense to commit everything we have to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. We know that Jesus Himself is the fulfillment of the kingdom of heaven, and He alone will satisfy and bring happiness not only in this life but in the life to come.
The Letter to the Romans tells us that “we know that all things work for good for those who love God.” Some texts read that “God makes all things work together unto good.” Either way, it’s a tremendous promise! “All things” means all things! God is always working for the good for those who love and trust Him. This is a priceless piece of wisdom indeed!
Let us ask God for wisdom, as Solomon did. Let us decide to invest in the kingdom of heaven in order to reap an eternal reward. Let us pray in the words of the Collect, “that we may use the good things that pass in such a way to hold fast even now to those that ever endure.”
As an old saying puts it, “he is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” Don’t be a fool…invest wisely in the kingdom of heaven!