Have you ever seen or experienced the presence of an angel? Apparently, more than a few people have - and we continue to hear their reports. It seems like every so often there is a story online about someone having a mysterious "visitation" or encounter, which has all the signs of being angelic in nature.
My sister-in-law had a remarkable experience of this kind. She relates that many years ago she was driving one evening with her two young children through a snowstorm in the Northeast when her car got stuck in a snowdrift and she couldn't move it. These were the days before cell phones and there was no one else around. She desperately asked her two children to join her in praying the Hail Mary for help. Suddenly, a very handsome young man appeared out of nowhere at her car window, having no obvious means of transportation in the midst of the storm. He wore a black jogging suit, but no gloves nor cap - not nearly adequate attire for that kind of weather. He proceeded to push the car out of the snowbank with his bare hands on the bumper! When my sister-in-law turned to wave a "thank you" to the man, he had disappeared. She recalled that when he had spoken to her in the freezing weather, his breath did not "fog up" as he spoke. She believes - and it certainly seems like - she received the help of an angel. This event was a source of great encouragement to her as she raised her children, knowing that the Queen of Angels can and does send angels in response to fervent prayer - especially by young children!
The name "angel" means "messenger," in this case, a messenger from God. After Vatican II, it seems that it was trendy to question or even to deny the existence of angels. However, angels are mentioned some 273 times in Scripture. The existence of angels is listed as a "truth of faith" in the Catholic Catechism (No. 328) - part of the official teaching of the Catholic Church.
Angels have several other roles besides that of messengers. They are worshippers, watchers, and warriors.
Worshippers - Throughout the Scriptures, angels are described as worshipping and praising God, especially in Psalms, Hebrews and Revelation. "Bless the Lord, O you his angels, you mighty ones who do his word, hearkening to the voice of his word" (Psalm 103:20).
Watchers - Angels watch over us. They guard and protect us from harm. "For he will give his angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways..." (Psalm 91:11). According to Scripture and Church teaching, each person has a guardian angel. Do you remember the prayer to your guardian angel?
Angel of God, my guardian dear; to whom God's love entrusts me here.
Ever this day be at my side; to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen
Warriors - Angels do a lot of fighting! All through the Scriptures, they are referred to as the "army (or host) of the Lord." Since the first rebellion of the angels in heaven narrated in Revelation 12:7, the angels who remained faithful to God have been constantly involved in warfare with evil spirits for human souls.
Scripture seems to clearly identify and describe four kinds or categories of angelic spirits: Seraphim, Cherubim, Archangels and Angels.
Seraphim - There is only one mention of the angelic Seraphim in Scripture. It is found in Isaiah 6:1-3. The prophet Isaiah had a vision of six-winged Seraphim surrounding God himself and praising him, singing "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of hosts; all the earth is full of his glory." One of the Seraphim purified the lips of Isaiah with a burning coal taken from the altar.
Cherubim - This angelic group is mentioned 91 times in Scripture. The Cherubim are depicted as the guardians of God's glory. They were stationed at the entrance of the Garden of Eden after the Fall. Their four wings are stretched over the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant. Their image was woven into the veil of the Temple. They are described as having four faces: that of a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle.
Archangels - Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael are honored as Archangels by the Church, although only Michael is referred to as an Archangel in Scripture (Jude 9).
The name Michael means "Who is like God?". Michael is the leader of the angelic host and is invoked as a warrior and protector of God's people.
Gabriel means "God is strong." Gabriel appears in the Old Testament as a messenger and minister to the prophet Daniel. He also announces the conception of John the Baptist to Zechariah. And, of course, he announces to the Virgin Mary that she is to be the Mother of the Messiah.
The name Raphael means "God heals." Raphael appears only in the Old Testament Book of Tobit. Because of his ministry described there, Raphael is known as a guardian of travelers and expeller of demons. He is also invoked for help in marriage problems, but mainly for healing, especially healing of the eyes.
Angels - We have already described angels as messengers, worshippers, watchers, and warriors. This group is associated with serving as guardian angels for individuals. How many are there? The short answer would be, a lot - or as millennials might say, "a ton!" The Scripture says "myriads and myriads" - virtually innumerable. We are also told in Scripture that angels will be very active at the Second Coming of Christ, who is described as returning to earth "with his angels."
Years ago, a woman in our prayer group who was a serious , prayerful person, related a mysterious encounter that she personally experienced. She recounts that she had just arrived home from work one day, very tired and somewhat discouraged. She said a prayer that the Lord would speak a word to her to encourage her. Hearing a knock at her front door, she opened it to see a very tall young man with long hair, dressed in a flannel shirt and work overalls - but very neat and clean. In front of him he held a book or scroll (I forget now which it was). On this book or scroll was written in somewhat fancy letters: "I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). As I recall, the man indicated in some way that this verse was meant for her. Then the man turned around and started down the sidewalk, only to disappear completely after a few steps. I might add that this woman would not at all be the type to imagine this, and certainly would not under any circumstances make it all up.
As I conclude I will offer as my personal opinion that I don't believe most of us make enough use of the angels that God has provided for us. St. Padre Pio would often tell people who wanted his prayer, "Send me your guardian angel. When you tell him to come, he obeys." How many of us regularly ask our guardian angel for help?
May we never neglect to call upon the angels in whatever need we may have - both through formal prayer as well as spontaneously throughout the day. Below is a prayer I felt the Lord gave me years ago. I have received numerous reports of favorable answers to this prayer. You may use it on one condition - that you pray for me!
In the name of Jesus, we plead the Blood of Jesus upon ourselves, our loved ones, and those for whom we are praying. In the name of Jesus, we ask you, Lord, to dispatch your holy angels to fight with us and for us against the enemy. Just as you sent help to the prophet Daniel, send us angelic warriors to occupy the enemy and enable the answers to our prayers to come through.
We pray especially against any obstacles placed by the enemy to keep our prayers from being answered. Let your holy angels wield their swords to penetrate the darkness and break through any bondage or obstacles to our prayer.
We pray confidently that having sent your holy angels to the aid of Daniel, you will send them to help us as we call upon them now. We make this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.