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We want to share the Good News with you through our media. On this page, you will find links to purchase MP3s and books. Please click on the item that interests you. For MP3 orders, a form will open for you to purchase a single MP3 recording. If you are purchasing a set of MP3s, then you will receive a link to all of them once you have paid for that order. If you would like to order physical CD's of any particular talk or event, please call our office or email us at [email protected] and we will contact you with instructions.
On January 24-26 2025, we hosted our annual Holy Spirit Women's Retreat in Lafayette, Louisiana. The theme of the weekend was "Identity: Robe, Ring, Sandals."
This MP3 download set includes the following:
ALL Main Session Talks
Dr. Carol Razza: The Father Awaits
Fr. Michael Voithofer: When God Ran
Dr. Carol Razza: Robe, Ring, Sandals
Lisa Flood: Living In the Inheritance
Fr. Michael Voithofer: All That I Have Is Yours, Let Us Feast
Dr. Carol Razza: Staying In the Inheritance Using Scripture
2 Mass Homilies
Fr. Michael Voithofer (Saturday Homily)
Fr. Michael Voithofer (Sunday Homily)
2 Testimonies
Leila Benoit and Brandi Boudreaux
On January 26-28 2024, we hosted our annual Holy Spirit Women's Retreat in Lafayette, Louisiana.The theme of the weekend was "Come Hungry."
This MP3 download set includes the following:
ALL Main Session Talks
Kitty Cleveland: Come Hungry
Bishop Scott McCaig: Jesus, True Presence, True Nourishment
Kitty Cleveland: Our Deepest Hunger: To Be Seen, Known, and Loved
Tiffany McGoey and Liz Mansfield on Life In the Spirit Seminars
Coffee Talk with Janice Charbonnet, Kitty Cleveland, and Bishop Scott McCaig
Bishop Scott McCaig: Fresh Fire
Kitty Cleveland: Y'all Wash Up, Dinner's Ready!
2 Mass Homilies
Bishop Scott McCaig (Saturday Homily)
Bishop Scott McCaig (Sunday Homily)
2 Testimonies
Lisa McCarthy and Caroline Scholl
On January 27-29 2023, we hosted our annual Holy Spirit Women's Retreat in Lafayette, Louisiana.The theme of the weekend was "Fear Not, For You Are Mine."
This MP3 download set includes the following:
ALL Main Sessions PLUS Bonus Talk by Patti Mansfield and Teaching by Timmy McCaffery
Anne Trufant: Fear Not, You Are Mine.
Timmy McCaffery: Teaching on the Gift of Tongues
Denny Charbonnet: Fear Not, You Are A Firewalker!
Linda Kelley: Fear Not, He Sets Prisoners Free!
Anne Trufant: Fear Not, You Are Created For Glory!
Anne Trufant: I am God
Anne Trufant: Fear Not, You Are My Witnesses
Patti Mansfield: Baptism in the Holy Spirit
2 Mass Homilies
Fr. Paul Yi (Saturday Homily)
Fr. Bill Henry (Sunday Homily)
2 Testimonies
Renee Beyer Boudreaux and Renee Cresap
Click the image to the left for Al Mansfield's half hour teaching on the gift of tongues. The original teaching was given on May 12, 2010, at the CCRNO prayer meeting. In the presentaion, Al answers 10 commonly asked questions concerning the gift of tongues. The answers he provides combine to make up one of the most thorough presentations on the gift St. Paul the Apostle says he wants us all to have and to use (1 Cor 14:5)!
On January 28-30 2022, we hosted our annual Holy Spirit Women's Retreat in Lafayette, Louisiana.The theme of the weekend was "Come Away, by Yourselves, and Rest Awhile."
This MP3 download set includes the following:
5 Main Sessions
Patti Mansfield: The Father Himself Loves You!
Janice Charbonnet: Jesus Loves You!
Denise Beyer: The Holy Spirit Loves You!
Barbara Heil: Receive the Holy Spirit
Barbara Heil: Walking In Boldness
3 Mass Homilies
Fr. Paul Yi (Friday and Saturday Homilies)
Bishop Sam Jacobs (Sunday Homily)
3 Testimonies
Tiffany McGoey, Margaret Kopreck, and Mary Lukinovich
Prophecies and Word Gifts from the Saturday Evening Session
On November 13-14, 2020, Sr. Briege, lead a mini-conference made of three general sessions. Friday topic: The Importance of Prayer and Healing followed by a prayer for healing. Saturday morning: Mary, Health of the Sick followed by a prayer for healing. Saturday evening: Miracles Do Happen with Eucharistic Healing Service. All three sessions are included in the MP3 download